life at london gatwick airport

Well, the combination of working hard at the Bar this weekend and the weird changes in the weather must have caught up with me, because yesterday evening I started feeling awful. I guess I should have gotten a flu shot this season, because I think that's what I have... a bit of a fever, a wracking cough, and a combination nose/throat thing that I don't really want to describe (and believe me, you don't want me to describe it). So I've gotten subs for my shifts at the Bar for tonight and tomorrow, and we'll see how I'm feeling Thursday. In the meantime, I'm stuck at home with a ton of decaf green tea, a vat of fresh chicken soup from Texas Rotisserie, some Netflix movies I'm not really interested in, and a brain running slow on Nyquil and snot to the point where I can't really focus on very much besides bad daytime television (yay "M*A*S*H" reruns!).

I've been meaning to mention this for about a week now, but a Barmaid Blog reader was kind enough to send me Elton John's new CD, "The Captain and the Kid," from my wishlist around Thanksgiving time, and I stupidly threw out the packing slip that told me who it was. Whoever it was, I'm sorry, and I'm very grateful - thank you! Feel free to e-mail me at at or leave a comment here to take credit.

Okay, so. Um. Warren and I... aren't seeing each other anymore. The timing sucks because I'm the kind of girl who loves having someone around to take care of her when she's sick, but I think it's probably for the best in the long run. I promise I'll get into it some more when I have the energy and the attention span (and maybe a little distance), but now's not the time.


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    May 2013



Laura Jones